::Brakes Screech; Car Door Slams. GS Bitchslaps Hannity::
Sean Hannity, purveyor of all things incorrect has absolutely inflamed our passions. Hannity, in trying to drum up hatred of the left, has pawned Mecha-Conservative anti-gay activist Rev. Phelps on the left. Phelps is the boneless sleazebucket who has actually taken to picketing funerals of fallen US soldiers, holding up signs like "Thank God for IEDS" and "God Hates USO Fags." Hannity, however, in his journalistic ignorance, read a story on air from an Indianapolis newspaper about Phelps' picketing, and attributed it to the "anti-war left."
Nuh-UH, Mr. Hannity. This pile of bloodsucking leech is YOUR guy. He's got more in common with your pal Rick Santorum than ANYBODY on the left. And as far as the AntiCentenarian is concerned, you can go to hell right along side him for being negligent and ignorant in your reporting. We'll save a slightly higher level of hell for you, but it's still eternal damnation.
Hannity talking about a protest of a man named Jeremy Doyle, killed in Action in Iraq:
Now, who's Jeremy Doyle? Well, he died along with three other soldiers on August the 18th, when their Humvee hit a landmine on an Iraqi highway. This guy died for all of us. His final journey was a procession down Main Street, past the courthouse square. "'If I had to lose a son, if I had to lose one, I'd -- I'd rather it be serving our country,' his father explained. The protesters were headquartered in Kansas. They traveled across the country to demonstrate against a soldier." And you know something? I guess this is just another example of how the anti-war left supports our brave troops.Wow.
'Cause isn't that what they always say? They're disrupting the funeral, tormenting a grieving family. Can you believe I even have to bring this story to the airwaves? And creating an incredible spectacle in the middle of an occasion to honor a guy who died serving his country? But of course, they're supporting our troops. They're not supporting them; they're targeting our troops!
Fuck you, Sean Hannity.
First off: You're right about your idea of these guys not supporting the troops. But guess what? They're YOUR GUYS. The extreme socially conservative anti-gay hatred spewed by Fred Phelps is echoed in Rick Santorum, is politicised in Bush's anti-gay amendment. These are your compatriots, the extremists of the right.
But the thing is, Sean Hannity knows who Fred Phelps is. He knows what Phelps has done. And I wonder if Hannity even disapproves of it. The only thing Hannity is after in this incident is a political invective aimed at vilifying the left. He should be using his own argument to vilify his own kind. Or at least criticise his own crowd, put them in check.
But he won't. He'll pawn it off. Because that's the kind of Nematomorph hairworm Sean Hannity can be.
PS- Lesson learned: when Sean Hannity starts talking about soldiers who have fallen, take cover. Let's hope he doesn't really take up the case of Casey Sheehan, who knows what kind of ridiculousness and pseudo-compassion he'll have.
::GS gets back in car, drives off leaving Hannity caughing in wheel-kicked dust.::
[Post concept delivered via Atrios. Indignation via General Stan]