
Enraged by Iraq

From the BBC:
The [British] government was warned over a year ago by its most senior Foreign Office official that the Iraq war was fuelling UK Muslim extremism, it has emerged.

Foreign Office Permanent Secretary Michael Jay issued the warning in a May 2004 letter, leaked to the Observer.

The letter to Cabinet Secretary Sir Andrew Turnbull said British foreign policy was a "key driver" behind recruitment by extremist Muslim groups.
Any question to whether Iraq is a hotbed of terrorism and to recruit fanatics should be answered resoundingly "yes." But, it still is shocking how many think that Iraq's connection to terrorism was stronger before the Invasion than after the Invasion. Kids are recruited these days to fight the fight because of the current situation in Iraq.


Blogger General Stan said...

A) There's NO evidence to suggest, despite your absurd claim otherwise, that Mr. Cruise has stopped being gay. He has, however, denied that he was once, in a prior life, William Shakespeare. [And Napolean.]

B) I'm frightened to think that this is a propaganda war on both sides of the debate to fuel the next generation of hatred. It has been done before- at least to some degree- that's what propagandizing youth is intended to do. It also seems to me that that's part of the intra-US ploy of the Conservatives to "balance" school systems and keep a political debate in front of children, always with the intent of villifying Liberals: keep the debate alive for generations. It's a diversion tactic, though, partly. the more we debate over who we are, the less we debate over what we do [which is, in fact, who we are.]


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