

The President, in his first actual words of reason:
"Katrina exposed serious problems in our response capability at all levels of government," Mr. Bush said. "And to the extent that the federal government didn't fully do its job right, I take responsibility."

"I want to know what went right and what went wrong," Mr. Bush added. "I want to know how to better cooperate with state and local government, to be able to answer that very question that you asked: Are we capable of dealing with a severe attack or another severe storm?"

The president is to deliver a major speech on the issue on Thursday in Louisiana, the White House said today. That will mark his fourth trip to the disaster area since Hurricane Katrina struck slightly more than two weeks ago, devastating Gulf Coast areas and leaving parts of this city inundated after levees broke.
Wow, turning a tune, eh? Actually taking some advice from your critics in the wake of your dismal poll numbers? Will you admit the failures of your own choices? Will you respect the need to have an independent, non-partisan inquiry and investigation? We'll see... Like Brownie's resignation, this just itches of the "too little, too late" rash. It is two weeks too late to show us real results.


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