
No, Really. I'm the Victim!

So Sayeth inept FEMA head Michael Brownie:
As criticism of him grew this week, Federal Emergency Management Agency Director Mike Brown sent a candid e-mail to family and friends.

"I don't mind the negative press (well, actually, I do, but I try to ignore it) but it is really wearing out the family," Brown wrote. "No wonder people don't go into public service. This country is devouring itself, the 24-hour news cycle is numbing our ability to think for ourselves."
Brownie, look buddy. We feel [somewhat] sorry for you. We really do. You're probably a really great lovely man. After all, you did spend the 7 years prior to benefitting from Bush Cronyism ejudicating the judges of international horse competitions. And anybody that stares at horses all day must be a gentle soul.

The reason you're being attacked is not because of a 24 news hour. In fact, in New Orleans, if we were not able to see what happened as dramatically as we could, you would have simply been complicit in a cultural conspiracy. The events of New Orleans would have transpired without most of us really knowing what happened, and then, several months later when we found out just how terrible your reaction had been, you'd've been part and parcel to a government coverup. In the interest of America, it's much better that your qualifications are fettered at this point; although they should have been managed years ago.

But look here, Brownie. I think there's something to your concerns. You're only as responsible as your leadership. And in that respect, you are about to become a Class-A FallGuy. They may stick by your side, because, after all, you are "doin' a heck of a job, Brownie," but the toll that the media's attention has taken on you is nothing like the suffering endured by your inept lack of action.

[Hat tip to ThinkProgress]


Blogger General Stan said...

He lives the tough life!

Good point about the news coverage, though. He really is at a disadvantage when it comes to looking like he's competent.

Plus it doesn't help that, as a FEMA director, he's incompetent.


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