
The Blame Game: Lunatic Edition

Hey now, let's not play the Blame Game. Unless, of course, we're not talking about American's anti-humane response to the Katrina disaster in a great American city, New Orleans, and we are talking about asinine and horrifying lunatic conservative response to Katrina. The same psuedo-moralist rhetoric that came out of Pat Robertson's mouth persists. There's no shortage of American's ready and willing to accept Katrina into their household.

They don't like her cold brutal winds and walls of water, but they do love how quickly she can bear her teeth and destroy the American city of cultural sin. After all: The only people killed in Katrina were Homos, Jews, and Abortionists; the trifecta of American Evil. Washed clean out, cleaned up those dirty parts of town.

The conservative response to Katrina, contrary to our belief, was swift. They didn't rescue the drowning, but they did respond. It's just that those factions of conservatives that responded are from the lunatic fringe of what should be unacceptable, but has become more and more mainstream, the cultural "moralists" while the conservatives heading this country sat and did nothing. To these people, Katrina wasn't negative at all: it was Mission Accomplished.
Mr. Marcavage also noted that "Louisiana had a total of 10 abortion clinics, with half of them operating in New Orleans" - his implication being similar to one made by the group Columbia Christians for Life, which sent out mass e-mail messages comparing the tadpole swirl of clouds in satellite images of Katrina to the chin-tucked profile of a 6-week-old fetus.

Photographs were included in the e-mail message to emphasize the point, as was the suggestion that the resemblance was no accident, but rather a divine visual aid sent "just as God did with a similar satellite picture of Hurricane Ivan in 2004."

Anti-Semitic groups, for whom Katrina provided evidence that, among other things, "Israel plans to use the port of New Orleans in order to ship in weapons of mass destruction to use against American citizens" as one member at Aryan-Nations.org put it.

And when Missouri filed suit last week against a network of Web sites that appeared to be collecting donations exclusively for white victims of Katrina, other white supremacist sites simply adjusted their own posthurricane fund-raising.

"Any cash, checks, money orders or goods sent to help with the Kinsmen Rescue Project must be considered gifts, with no strings attached on how the funds are spent," advised the proprietors of WhiteRevolution.com. "If you choose to give, you'll have to rely on our honor as Aryans that the funds are being spent to help our kinfolk in distress."

"We overcame being surprised years ago," Mr. Foxman of the Anti-Defamation League said, "realizing that there's this new world of communication that Goebbels would never have imagined."
The Lunatic Fringe of America. These guys have to be stripped of credibility and rejected. And yet, it seems like they're becoming more and more ingrained.


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