
Democrats Demand Answers

Democrats in their weekly radio address have "demanded" answers concerning the pathetic response to the most important social disaster in American History - the disintigration of a great American city after Hurricane Katrina swept through:
"We are engaged in a massive effort under difficult circumstances to save lives and stabilize this crisis so that we may begin to restore our communities," Rep. Charlie Melancon said. "This is job one."

"We must also be about the job of asking tough questions, my fellow Americans -- questions about the health of our infrastructure and emergency response capabilities," Melancon said.

It was an apparent reference to the federal government's widely criticized handling of relief efforts after New Orleans levees broke and flooded the city.
All who are disappointed and underwhelmed by this, raise your hands.

Here's the problem. And it's not a democrat/republican problem, and it seriously needs to be addressed. The Democrats can use this to their political advantage if they choose, but the American people are past the point of asking questions.

Questions have been asked. And no answers are ever recieved. Questions this soft are trifling, meaningless, and must be understood to be complicit.

The American people have begun to make demands. We no longer ask- we demand.

We demand that our government takes care of Americans- We demand that they respond with force, care, and dignity. We demand that they care. We demand compassion, connection, cooperation. The American People Demand a government of love and care. We demand you listen to us. WE DEMAND A RESPONSE FROM YOU.

I have one question for our government: Do you hear me?


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