
Victims Responsible

So says the Estate Lawyer/ridiculously underqualified FEMA head Michael Brown, exactly the wrong guy to say such a thing. Unbelievable. This guy has no right.

I remember when the alert came out, when they said "Anybody who stays will be gambling with their lives" and being frustrated with that comment. Why? Because anybody whose got a car and can actually afford petrol can escape the city, to some degree- and those who simply do not have that option will be left behind. Those are the people that Michael Brown wants to fuck tonight by claiming they're responsible for his Administration's undercutting of FEMA. They're the ones that they want to say they weren't responsible to help. I'm infurated by this. It is incredible that you believe any of this is okay.

Fuck you, Michael Brown. Go back to handling the affairs of the dead. You don't even care. You care only about your cushy damn job, making sure you look good.

Well, you don't. You look like The Administration asshole that you are. Go To Hell.


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