

Red Cross - Salvation Army - Second Harvest - United Way - Church World Service - Habitat for Humanity - The Humane Society - Feed the Children - MercyCorps -

The AntiCentenarian has joined the truthlaidbear Day of Relief for Katrina. I, General Stan, have selected Habitat for Humanity as our organization; but please consider any and all of these organizations. We are joining a dedicated Anti-AntiCentenarian, Michelle Malkin, and hundreds of others in order to do what's best for these people.


Blogger General Stan said...

thanks. should be fixed.

not to push any particular agendas or anything, but i personally would push for more assistence going to Habitat for Humanity- i think it's relatively clear that one of the greatest efforts of this event will be to relocate those that can't afford to rebuild, have no insurance. And habitat already has a plan to help them. Pretty important stuff.


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