
Bush: Not Acceptable


"A lot of people are working hard to help those who've been affected, and I want to thank the people for their efforts," Bush said before leaving the White House for a tour of the devastated areas in Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana. "The results are not acceptable."
I wonder if our president understands what his role has been in those results?

New Orleans mayor Nagin has called for an end to political press conferences until the Government begins getting assistence to those in New Orleans:
New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin lashed out at state and federal officials saying they were "thinking small" in the face of the massive crisis.

Nagin said he needs military troops to provide security and 500 buses to take people stranded by Hurricane Katrina out of the city.

So far, he said, the promises are unfulfilled.

"I keep hearing that it's coming. This is coming. That is coming. My answer to that is B.S. Where is the beef?"

Nagin called for a moratorium on press conferences "until the resources are in this city."
OF COURSE IT IS UNACCEPTABLE! Get people IN there, POTUS! This has been the fifth goddamn day! Just get people in there, get assistence to these people! While you're flying overhead of those people who still stuck in various pockets in the city, drop a few MREs, drop some water down to them, Mr. President.

Just go Get It Done!


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