
Leveling out the world?

The G7 has identified problems like the global wealth gap as being an imperative problem to address.

I'm sure there's some irony to be pointed out here. In general, the awknowledgement of the stratospheric differences between the global weathly and poor is a movement in a positive direction. It is a tiny movement, though, and one that should have been addressed meaningfully generations ago. There are millions of people waiting for meaningful assistance of the kind that would be enabling, rather than disempowering. No more removal of governments and installation of our own; no more injection of cultural identities (like our crass ultra-consumerism) as solutions to cultural problems across the globe. None of these solutions have ever worked, and it's not likely that installing these psuedo-ideologies on other populations will solve the problems we need to help solve.

So to the G7, we must ask- how do you plan on succeeding with this? What, exactly, is your plan? Will vital debt-relief include meaningful planned assistence, or will it contain legalese and caveats to "level out" your losses? Will you proceed to patch these holes with fixes that will leverage your concerns about the stock market and rising oil prices? How will this be done?

Their answers to these questions, and much mor important questions will allow us mortals to see whether any of these humane concerns raised by these anti-humane institutions are worth our consideration. And until they are, we have to find ways to convince them that we're serious, that we need solid, meaningful solutions to global poverty, inequity, and human rights, and that they are responsible for their institution and preservation.

Any Ideas on how we do that?


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