
Curious Abilities

Salman Rushdie, no stranger to living under the active and brutal threat of Islamic fatwa, chimes in on our current cultural situation:
"What I think plays into Islamic terrorism is ... the curious ability of the current administration to unite people against it," Rushdie told Reuters in an interview.

Rushdie said he found it striking how the "colossal sympathy" the world felt for the United States after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks has been squandered so quickly.

"It seems really remarkable that the moment you leave America ... you find not just America's natural enemies, but America's natural allies talking in language more critical than I, in my life, have ever heard about the United States," he said.
Rushdie begins, with these statements, but cannot complete the thought that the administration plays a role in the issue of Islamofascist agendas of terrorism. He doesn't flesh out the thought that is contained within the term "curious ability," but he certainly expresses a kind of intuition of foul play. What he suggests, however, is not that the Admin is in bed with the Islamists. That is a foolish claim, and Rushdie is far from foolish.

He suggests something far more dangerous to America, which I will suggest here: that the American Public is in bed with the Administration. In the worst way.

More later...


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