

Wow, not the highest praise and esteem for Mr. Bolton from former State Department Intelligence cheif Carl W. Ford. Can't say I'm surprised- again, as a previous post mentions, this guy operates on one plane of power and control:
Mr. Bolton was a "kiss-up, kick-down sort of guy" who "abuses his authority with little people,"
There are a lot of screamers in government," Ford said. "I've never seen anyone like Secretary Bolton … in terms of how he abuses little people."
Further down, the below the fold Senatorial responses:
Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) suggested that Bolton needed anger management training, and other Democrats said the incidents demonstrated Bolton's unsuitability for the U.N. post.

Biden said Bolton would be serving in the U.N. at a time when the objectivity and accuracy of U.S. intelligence was doubted around the world, and while his own credibility on intelligence matters was under fire.

"This is the man who might have to take the case to the world on [North] Korea and Iran based on intelligence," Biden said. "I believe this is damaging to our national interest."
I heard this story on NPR last night on my tedious drive home. What does not translate is the sardonic demeanor of these comments: Biden rebuts Boxer as speaking in anti-patriotic moronicisms. Things that he is ashamed to even be hearing.

As though the guy I want to parse all the intelligence on terrorism and present it to the world in front of the UN SHOULD be hugely aggressive, overtly political, and manipulative man. As though these are GOOD things in any form.

Sidenote: While the politicians play politics, it should be noted that Ford is a self-described conservative.


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