
Morning Papers

Michael Chertoff, head of the Department of Homeland Security [Rated: Inept] and General Myers, Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman [Rated: Pending Inept Certification] have both said that all their newspaper coverage as of one week ago, Tuesday, was that New Orleans had "dodged a bullet," that because Katrina was downgraded to a Cat. 3 storm and changed direction toward Mississippi at the last moment, everything was fine.

Some leftist blogs will play this game where they point out the inadequacies of these guys to demonstrate how foolishly they acted during this disaster; to show how their neglect was exorbinantly costly.

But the purpose of the AntiCentenarian's highlight of these discrepencies is to consider that these guys are not solely inept, but they seem to be incapable leaders; that their foolhardiness is more absolutely tantamount- the reason they failed us is because they are failures of leadership; they are betrayers of the American Ideal.

There was not one newsource that stated, with surety, that a bullet had been dodged. Any newspaper that had that printed had gone to press first thing on the previous evening. But this isn't the true issue here: if the highest levels of our security and response forces rely on one or two local newspapers for their intelligence information, and the devastating montage of information flowing from every other newsource makes no impression on their psyche...

I don't even know...


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