
Leaving the Follow-Up to those who can

Quick so-called "follow-up" on the Schaivo politicization memo. And leaving it to Media Matters. Good for them. Thanks guys!

Basically, a delighful run-down of the release of the memo and the immediate calculated response from the right to denounce it as leftist manipulative debauchery. I have to point out the obvious, moronic problem of this attempt of turning the memo around on the Demos- that the manipulative debauchery almost always goes to those in positions of entrenched power, and certainly has been mastered by our current trifecta of entrenched Repo empowerment. Karl Rove loves the plant it yourself, blame the other guy technique.

The problem is, of course, that using this technique so thoroughly tends to leave one with Low-Fat Ranch on their face (egg is so passe. Thanks Pat Robertson!) when the memo, in actuality, DOES come from your dirty damn fingers.

Good work, boys.


Media Matters for America: Enlivening the blog debate so that The AntiCentenarian doesn't really have to.

They make me feel lazy.


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