
Review Ethics Rules

If anybody's curious as to what, exactly, Bush is doing after accepting Scooter Libby's resignation due to his Indictment on 5 felony charges, here it comes...

To show just how great a leader The President is, he's "ordering his staff to review the ethics rules."

Okay. We've gone from the easily satirized to the moronic to the ashamedly ridiculous. Review the ethics rules? That's the answer??

This country needs to have a serious discussion into ethics. The President has, on his staff, some of the notoriously least ethical advisors [ahemturdblossom]. The concern isn't that The Administration has forgotten what their ethical guidelines are- the concern is that their entire ethical code is comprised of ideologue-driven mania, chosen with child-like utilitarian decision-making, and mixed with copious amounts of horseshit.

Review the ethics rules? Nothankyou. Discard your entire ethical system.


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