
New Orleans Drowning: The Aftermath

From the "I can't believe it so it must be true" file of Americana:

MICHAEL BROWN, former head of FEMA ineptitude, has been rehired by FEMA as a contract consultant to determine what went wrong in FEMA's handling of Katrina.


Repeat, with italics:

MICHAEL BROWN, former head of FEMA ineptitude, has been rehired by FEMA as a contract consultant to determine what went wrong in FEMA's handling of Katrina.

and bold:

MICHAEL BROWN, former head of FEMA ineptitude, has been rehired by FEMA as a contract consultant to determine what went wrong in FEMA's handling of Katrina.

Weep American Voting Mortals. You have no chance at survival.

And by the way, if anybody is wondering who else is in charge of investigating America's greatest social failure thanks to The Administration's corrupt cronyism [as designed, intentionally, by the Heritage Foundation pre 2000 election]:

Let's talk about David Safavian [best named man in politics], arrested last week after quickly resigning his White House payroll position. Safavian, crony and pal to The Administration regulars, as arrested due to his deep involvement in the Abramoff scandals which have also seen Tom Delay's own PAC indicted [Delay, himself, of course, has nothing to do with any of this...].

Despite Safavian's inexperience and protectioneering of Administration Insiders in this scandal, there's more to the story. Namely, the guy's wife. Now, everybody knows that GOP lawmakers stonewalled any objective Katrina investigation. They had no interest in Republican dirty secrets secreting through the tepid waters of an investigation into what failed in the drowning of New Orleans.

To protect their secrets, they secured a new hire to lead the investigation: Safavian's wife, Jennifer Safavian, Chief counsel on oversight and investigations on the House Government Reform Committee.

Secrets well protected. An arrested corrupt political insider's wife and a shamefully foolish [and failed] equestrian judge. I'm sure they'll penetrate into the deepest secrets of how woefully inept our country performed in Katrina. Good work.



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