
Rita Haunting the Coast

This year has become defined by the names of haunting, brutal storms. Katrina, Rita, potentially Alpha or Beta after the names run out. Everything about this year depends on how we deal with these storms- acts beyond our control, beyond our imagination, the fury of natural events and every failure of technology, politics, ecology, and development exposed by them. It is, in fact, man's imprint which Rita seeks furiously to wipe clean. Or rather, her indifferent spin, tampling across the Florida Keys and delayed in the Gulf, taunting the coast, indifferent, cool, without knowledge of Man's attempts to flee.

There are more storms; they are more violent and vicious.

And now, at least we know the lessons: Leave. Attempt surivival, but don't count on your country to attempt rescue. You may have a chance; but there's no governmental help. The country needs you; we want you, we want to help. But there's little evidence that our political system is ready or willing to help.

Please, please...

Godspeed, Houston...


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