
Conspiracy and 9/11

Just wanted to publicize the most important arrest, investigation, and conviction that's occured in the 9/11 case. There has finally been a vital terrorist arrested and convicted of the worst crime against this country that's occured since mid-century.

Oh yeah. This didn't happen in America. Apparently we're not capable of finding, arresting, investigating, and prosecuting these guys. But thankfully Spain is.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please read these and share them with everyone. Publish them on the Internet if you like.

Curtis Maynard

Conspiracy: The cases of Asher Karni and Ryan G. Anderson
By Curtis B Maynard

A substantial amount of evidence can be found in a comparative analysis between two very interesting and distinctly different individuals. One, a rather insignificant personality by the name of Ryan G. Anderson, accused of passing information on “U.S military capabilities and weaponry,” to FBI agents posing as Al Qaeda operatives on the Internet; the other, a gentlemen by the name of Asher Karni who was arrested on January 2, 2004 at Denver International Airport for having sold Pakistan at least sixty-six spark gap igniters, devices used to trigger or detonate nuclear weapons. For whatever reason the crime committed by Ryan G. Anderson has been broadcast to the entire nation, whereas Asher Karni remains an almost nonentity in the American consciousness primarily because the media has chosen to remain silent about him and his case.

Anti-Semitism - the provacative accusation
By Curtis B Maynard
In the end, the reader should take into consideration the fact that numerous seemingly intelligent, educated and patriotic Americans have believed that Jews for whatever reason have accumulated a considerable amount of influence in the United States and elsewhere around the world in a variety of different ways, through banking, the stock market, the news media, government, etc… it is up to the reader to decide if each and everyone of them was a complete crackpot, crank, racist and/or anti-Semite.


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