

"A worldfamous organization from a superpower" provided the training, funding, and resources, to a pro-democracy rebel group to detonate some bombs in Myanmar, eh?

Not sure exactly whom they could be refering to here... But I think I'll hop on my flight on Air America airlines (not the radio station) or Southern Air Transport and fly out to Burma to see what's going on, where all of our many fingers dip into.

Of course, and violent recourse is negative. But the Myanmar government stands as one of the most oppressive and abusive in the world. It is consistently cited by Amnesty International as a country with overzealous political imprisonments, torture, and unaccountability.

It is of course the country of Aung San Suu Kyi, Nobel Peace Laureatte and pro-Democracy advocate held under house arrest the majority of the time since 1988.


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