

Tom DeLay
Conspiracy and Money Laundering.

Warrant for arrest issued with $10,000 bail.

On the Hunt.


Blogger General Stan said...

Leave it to Garrison to bring out the bison:
"And you win the race and go to work flogging your timid colleagues and raising truckloads of dough and building your war chest and scaring the bejeebers out of people. That's how it's done.
This country was not built by nervous nellies and Sunday school teachers but by bold marauders, dodgers, Sooners, buffalo hunters, forty-niners - people who saw what they wanted and took it. You're one of them. Politics is about power. You grabbed hold of it and became King of the Republican Hill, a majority leader who knows that one can never have too much majority.
I am disappointed by your attempts to beautify yourself. It's pitiful, sir, and demeaning to blow-dry your hair and try to project warmth through those drill-sergeant eyes and belt-sander voice."

Blogger General Stan said...

the mugsht rocks. I love how cheery he is. He can't actually wipe that shit-eating grin off his face.

Some people think that this is a political attempt by him- that he's showing "dignity and class" by refusing to look phased. I, actually, think slightly differently- I think the guy LOVES it. I think this is the shit he lives for. I think he's been challenging somebody to call him out in legalese because he really just wants a good legal scrapping. like those kids who always got in fights because their daddies beat them up. You know the kind.

Only, I guess Tom's daddy used to subpoena and indict him... if you follow me...


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