
The Conservative Boycott

Popular young girls' doll-maker and merchendise manufacturer American Girl is on the cusp of being boycotted by the American Family Association, an right-wing social faction organization, for donating to Girls Inc., a female health and empowerment organization found 140 years ago.

Why would the lunatic fringe at AFA decide that American Girl merchendise is bad for kids? After all, American Girl is suitably, safely multiethnic and often over-decorated in stars and stripes. It has become a "safe" girls' toy for conservatives- "patriotic and placated," as we at the AntiCentenarian like to call their ideal decor.
The protest is directed at an ongoing American Girl campaign in which proceeds from sales of a special "I Can" wristband help support educational and empowerment programs of Girls Inc., a national nonprofit organization which describes its mission as "inspiring girls to be strong, smart and bold."

American Girl, whose often patriotic products have long had a loyal following among conservatives, issued a statement Friday defending its support of Girls Inc. and assailing the protest campaign.

"We are profoundly disappointed that certain groups have chosen to misconstrue American Girl's purely altruistic efforts and turn them into a broader political statement on issues that we, as a corporation, have no position," the statement said.

The Mississippi-based American Family Association, in a campaign launched Wednesday, is urging its members to demand that American Girl halt support for Girls Inc., which it called "a pro-abortion, pro-lesbian advocacy group."
Those damn patriotic dolls might teach our little girls to butcher thier babies and turn gay!!

The Conservative social movement wants everything their way- regardless of established history, organizational fact and policy [Girls Inc is a fantastic, and quite safe, organization for young girls], and social resistance. They want it their way, because they sputter to think it exists any way without them. They want complete and utter homogenous control of culture.

Painful, ridiculous, frightening. Even our [safe, conservative] girls' dolls are being implicated in their scortched-earth policy against homosexuality and anti-abortion hatred.


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