
While We're At It

Fresh off the GOP party-line Senate vote killing any investigation into the government's failures as a nation that can respond to catastrophe [ the vote was strictly party-line. Every Republican save one voted that America has no right to know why their government disaster response is inept.], the House Republicans also voted to end any hope of an investigation. This one, the potential inquiry to hold The Administration accountable in the Plame Affair investigation.
House Republicans derailed Democratic attempts on Wednesday to force the Bush administration to surrender documents on prewar intelligence and the disclosure of the identity of a CIA operative.

Democrats have introduced several "resolutions of inquiry" to compel President Bush and members of his Cabinet to release all information relating to communications with British officials before the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq and the Valerie Plame case.

The White House has taken heat since the disclosure this year of the "Downing Street memos," British documents that suggest the Bush administration had made up its mind by 2002 to invade Iraq. Administration officials also have been interviewed by a special prosecutor in his quest
But what America has really lost is that next round of Republican tax cuts, particularly Trent Lott's oh-so-desired Estate Tax which affects only the topmost miniscule percentage of Americans- the richest. Apparently a tax cut will help the deeply impoverished, nearly abandoned evacuees who have lost everything. More than, say, bankruptcy protection, which the Republicans had already ripped away.

America: What a selfless, transparent, compassionate, disinterested democracy looks like. Particularly in times of national crisis! Buy yours today!


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