
Senate GOP Kills Investigation into Katrina

Those self-protecting sleazebags all voted to kill an independent investigation on the Katrina disaster and the disastrous response to it. dKos has the scoop.

Keep in mind that if you staunchly vote to refuse an objective inquiry with objective oversight, then you have something to hide.

And in this case, it's clearly incompetence, cronyism, and a neo-conservative GOP controlling terrible policy choices. It's got to be maintained. These guys are playing the save your own ass game, and all their asses have to be on the line.

AMERICAblog has the full list. And it literally is FULL. Every single US Senator who is Affiliated with the GOP voted against an investigative body except for LA Senator Vitter, who abstained from the vote. And every Democrat voted for an investigation.

Which Senate "Activists" are acting according to the majority interests of Americans, and which are attempting to stonewall against the interests of the country? Seeing as how 75% of Americans say they want a full, comprehensive investigation into the failure of our government concerning Katrina, I think it's pretty clear that the Republicans care very little about us. They don't care about Katrina's victims, and they don't care about 75% of the country.


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