
The Plame Affair: Miller's Release

Judith Miller has been released from her term in prison for contempt of court after agreeing to testify to a Grand Jury as to her involvement, and potentially her source, for the leaking of secret CIA operative Valerie Plame's name. Eventually, of course, Robert Novak published her name. Karl Rove was fingered [albeit lightly] from Time Journalist Matt Cooper in his testimony, provided as a last resort prevening his own jailing alongside Miller. We shall see in the coming days what kind of information she provides. It is potentially explosive.

The last thing The Administration really wants, politically, will be the Plame Affair back on the front pages alongside their continued fuckups of Hurricane Relief efforts; Tom DeLay's indictment as a federal criminal; and Bill Frist's pending investigation by the SEC.

But in the interest of a better America, how many strikes does one ideology get? We have got to convince the typical American that this Administration, and indeed their entire ideology, is so absolutely corroded of values from the inside, is so corrupt, cruel, and inept, that they must no longer be given power. We can't be held in check by these fools any longer.


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