

Those of you who have seen the fantastic documentary Control Room by Jehane Noujaim will recognize Marine media liason Cpt. Josh Rushing. He was the only American who featured prominently in the film, and also he was one of the only characters that exhibited strength, bravery, insight, nuance, objection and conciliation- he was the most human and most humane character in the film. He provided a brilliant sense of relief to the American public who felt that the American War Machine had taken off without them. He was the voice whose tenor changed, who felt doubt and pride all at once, who questioned, debated; he was the American who was ambitious, but also honest. He was fantastic.

After the film gained notoriety, he was barred by his commanders in the Marines from talking about the film. Later, due to other consequences, he left the Marines entirely.

He has now taken a job with a new, English-language station that Al-Jazeera TV will launch this spring.

This television station is a big deal- the station has drawn notable producers and field agents from all major US news networks, and will make a huge impact. Al-Jazeera is a much-hated agent of news because of it's "sedition" and "perspective." It is hated as much by officials in Arab countries as it is by US officials, for the exact same reasons: it insights the infidel enemy. To the US, that means Osama; to the east it means the Americans.

And to the population of Arabs, it is the primary news source: there are 50 million Arabs globally tuning into Al-Jazeera for their news; and none of what they see has any American perspective on it at all.

Rushing will come under intense fire for this choice, but he should be revered, once again, for his appeal to debate and discussion, his desire to head off this problem on the front lines. America sends National Guardsmen to die in Iraq in the supposed war on terror where they will have no effect on building a reputable cause and position to have America's perspectives respected. This is the false front-line of the war. The true front line, the hearts and minds, is in the information and the experience of America. It is in their homes, in their discussions, in their cultural debates. It is also, equally, within ours.

And so as Rushing will inevitably be chopped to pieces for "aiding the enemy" he needs to be understood as the only figure thus far with the foresight to leap head-in and serve his country and the world in these disastrous times. It's a very difficult choice he's made and he will face scorn. And all of that scorn will be in absolute spite of the facts of this conflict. None of it will consider the cultural discord, the diaspora. None of it will grasp the isolation between these strong-willed ideologies. That's what Rushing is jumping into- by his handshake with Al-Jazeera he's positioning himself as the first American face to be seen on that bridge.

We hope him the best, and we hope that he serves as well as he is capable. Godspeed, Cpt. Rushing.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Too true. I worked with Josh in Qatar and found him intelligent, thoughtful, down-to-earth, patriotic and full of heart. All that, and a Marine too! He's a great choice and I wish him the best.


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