
Conservative Comix

The Most Publicized Comic Book in over 10 years?

Expect to hear about this incredibly divisive comic book on talk-radio shows...

The worlds first Conservative Comic Book?

Keenly merging real-life heroes of the Conservative Right with an Orwellian future of Leftist oppression...
Yes, kids, we're talking about: Liberality For ALL!
It is 2021, tomorrow is the 20th anniversary of 9/11 It is up to an underground group of bio-mechanically enhanced conservatives led by Sean Hannity, G. Gordon Liddy and Oliver North to thwart Ambassador Usama Bin Laden's plans to nuke New York City ...And wake the world from an Orwellian nightmare of United Nations- dominated ultra-liberalism.

Series concept: What if today's anti-war Liberals were in charge of the American government and had been since 9/11? What would that society look like in the year 2021? What would be the results of fighting “a more sensitive war on terror” and looking to the corrupt United Nations to solve all of America 's problems? In Liberality For All , the reader sees a vision of that future where there is only one justified type of war…the war against Conservatives and their ideals.

LIBERALITY FOR ALL #1 is getting major publicity in the talk-radio world, with much more to come. To our knowledge, no book in over 10 years will be made known to so many people, outside the comic community.
But don't worry, all the proceeds go to one of Libby's conservative pet projects, the Freedom Alliance Scholarship Fund, which is also "heavily supported by Sean Hannity." A nice little ego-tripping fantasy for the ultra-cons.

It should be noted that, while this is all fun and games, it appears that they've taken this project very seriously in many ways. It is part childhood propaganda, tool to build connections with younger generations to foster their growth toward conservativism in later years; and part world-perception/fantasy. In many ways, this is how the conservatives really feel the world is shaped up: They are the heros and everyone else is alligned in mutual hatred and villany of them. They must, heroically, stand up to defeat it.

Order your copy TODAY!


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