
US Prisons Worldwide, Inc.

After the terrifying photographic evidence of systematic abuse in Abu Ghraib prison, President Bush vowed to demolish the prison as a symbolic gesture of justice.

Instead, they're building a new wing.

Just exporting some of that good ol' fashioned Amurrican prison system into the rest of the world. Listen up, folks, this is what Democracy is: mediocre voting registers [58% of Age American Citizens voted in '04, which means that, which means that Bush won with support from 29% of the population...] for marginal candidates in one of two to three indistinct parties; capitalistic free-enterprise with corporate sponsored lives; and 1 out of every 142 imprisoned. How do we keep you in check? Throw you in the slammer.

Good luck with that, kiddies. It's a fun world to live in. Let me tell ya.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is where the us holding saddam public knowledge ?

at the end of this story it says

Brandenburg added that even under a best-case scenario, the US will need to hold on to at least 2000 prisoners in the Baghdad area, and the eventual handover of Abu Ghraib to the Iraqis will have to take place after expansion of Camp Cropper, on a US base near the airport, where Saddam Hussein and other "high value" prisoners are being kept.


Blogger General Stan said...

Hey Adam-

In 2004, when Saddam's capture was a bit fresher, they were not disclosing his location:
Pentagon sources have said Saddam is being held in Iraq but that his exact location has not been disclosed for security reasons.

Now, however, it's pretty evident that Saddam is being held at Camp Cropper, which is a converted space near the Baghdad airport. Here's several links related to that space:
Robert Fisk
Baghdad Airport
Incidences of Abuse at Abu Ghraib/ potentially at Cropper

And most tellingly: a story about the photographs taken Inside the Prison

I guess what I'm saying is that I'm not sure if it is official public knowledge. However the situation is far from a secret as well. It is not the same spiderhole Dick Cheney climbed into on 9/11.


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