
Reasonable AIDS Assistence

Pope Benedict XVI has endorsed an "Abstinence Only Education" plan, which he expects will rid Africa of the pandemic of AIDS. Unsurprising, absolutely, but also completely unrealistic in ways that can only support more trauma and devastation with AIDS.

But Abstinence Only programs work so well, right?

Bush loves Abstinence programs and has endorsed pretty much the same thing in Africa before, and the US has a healthy grasp on a culture of abstinence. American teens have wholeheartedly accepted the pledges of abstience, which has led to some fascinating and dramatic results. And the Catholic Church, a staunch supporter of abstinence, has done it's part through the years to really guide the world along the right path.

The fact is:
The way we are treating the pandemic of AIDS in Africa is the same colonial moral tactic we've always used against Africa in disguise. The more we moralize the AIDS epidemic there, and everywhere, the more we reduce the significance of "The Other." It is the same problem as the attempt to convert African colonial subjects, through slavery and "education," to European civilization. It's harmful, and, moreso, it is unrealistic, particularly given the innate hypocracy of it.

So. More Harm * (Hypocritical + Unrealistic) = the Go-To Abstinence Plan for Africa.

Good thinking, guys. Tons of help.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i enjoyed reading this - beautiful use of cynicism, GS.
one of the sad things about this whole problem (there are many self-evident sad things..), is that most of the funding for many of the aid programs requires an Abstinence Only bent. So some non-profits have had to change tactics in order to get funding to help anyone at all. As you pointed out, this is based on well-reasoned proven technique.

Blogger General Stan said...

Thanks bethosaur-

I have to say [and I'll check through the records to verity!] but I think this is the first compliment I've gotten [though... it's questionable that it's deserved!]. Much appreciated.



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