
Felt and Tripp

So Pat Buchanan has some more interesting ideas on social political justice:
Former Nixon aide Pat Buchanan said Wednesday that the same mainstream reporters who paint newly revealed "Deep Throat" source Mark Felt as a hero couldn't find a good word to say about Linda Tripp, whose secret tapes led to the impeachment of President Clinton.

"The only reason Mark Felt is a hero now [is because the person he helped] destroy was Richard Milhous Nixon," Buchanan told WABC Radio's John Gambling.

But when it came to President Clinton, he noted, reporters suddenly developed a distaste for whistleblowers.

"I mean, did they make Linda Tripp a hero?" the former Nixon speechwriter asked plaintively. "At least she was public about it."
This line of reasoning is getting very old: the thought that what Clinton did was anywhere near as politically reprehensible as what Nixon did is foolish. Buchanan is too close to the Nixon administration to see just how ridiculous this kind of claim is. But it also speaks to a greater trend of the attempt to legitimize the Clinton Impeachment as an issue of moral superiority.
The goal is not to taint the record of Bill Clinton- the believe they have already done that. The goal is to reinforce in the public's mind that the Conservatives in America are so strong they can snap a President if they wish: and Clinton frustrates them to no end because they came so close and yet could not prevail.


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