
Biologic Sarcasm

Sarcasm's brain function has been discovered, and it's within the prefrontal lobe:
No, it's true -- many of you don't go a day without dishing out several doses of sarcasm. But some brain-damaged people can't comprehend sarcasm, and Israeli researchers think it's because a specific brain region has gone dark.

The region, according to the researchers, handles the task of detecting hidden meaning, a crucial component of sarcasm. If that part of the brain is out of commission, the irony doesn't come through, the scientists report in the May issue of Neuropsychology.

"People with prefrontal brain damage suffer from difficulties in understanding other people's mental states, and they lack empathy," said study co-author Simone Shamay-Tsoory, a researcher at the University of Haifa. "Therefore, they can't understand what the speaker really is talking about, and get only the literal meaning."
Oh mighty readers of the AntiCentenarian, now how how Lowly General Stan understands the waves of hate-mails he has received:

All of you have severe prefrontal lobe damage.

Clarification: What the AntiCentenarian seeks to do is maximize the capacities of the digital medium of the web log with the occassional literate capacities of metaphor in an effort toward cultural analysis, usually centered around politics, film, and literature [often just politics at this point, due more to laziness than necessity]. It has ruled any viable method as valuable, therefore satire, sarcasm, mockery, outlandish claims, and demonstrable hatred will all be employed alongside straight-forward thesis-driven analysis and heartfelt pleas for valuable assistnce and aid. Those unable to distinguish between the above methods are duly advised to quickly learn. And to get their prefontal lobes reattached from their own private lobotomized lives.


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