
Polling Low

Bush, once again, nears his all time low polling point, as does Congress. Nice work, crew.
Forty-six percent of 1,006 adults polled over the weekend said they approved of the overall job Bush is doing, according to a CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll.

Over the past year, Bush's rating has hovered near 50 percent, with a low of 45 percent in March and a high of 57 percent just after his second inauguration and the State of the Union in February.

The 46 percent figure is down about 4 percentage points since a poll taken at the beginning of May.

On domestic issues, the president's approval ratings are at an all-time low -- 40 percent of respondents approve of his work on the economy and 33 percent approve of his plans for Social Security changes.

Bush fared best among respondents when they were asked if they approved or disapproved how how he was handling terrorism.

But while 55 percent of the people taking part in the poll approved, that figure was down 2 percentage points from a poll taken in April.

On the Iraq war, the president's approval mark remained low -- just 40 percent of those agreed with the way he is handling the situation.
The post-re-election honeymoon must really be over, if this poll is to be believed. Of course, every poll is ridiculous, but hey. They certainly serve, at times like this, to make us feel better.

By "feel better," we at the AntiCentenarian mean that there's a smug self-righteousness attached to low presidential pollings. The fact that up to 10% of the population that voted for The Administration has sheared off from the critical mass of insanity that voted it in is encouraging to those of us who desparage in the dregs of society. However, this uplift is only a spark for the psyche- the fact remains that all of us are in despair over our current political divisiveness, unruly aggression, evidences of massive cultural manipulations, and the fact that some smarmy, moustachioed Scotsman sounded "the most right" of anybody we've come to know over the past week. So this poll is at the very most psychological reinforcement for our saddened outlook. It is, more than anything else, evidence of a society twisted beyond its point of negligence, bent backward into delirium, where no longer does it matter at all. We're stuck in it, and there's no way out. But hey, at least the Asshole polls low.


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