
Said I'd confirm you... but I lied.

Bolton's vote was delayed!

Significant success. Keep in mind how difficult it is for an appointee not to get accepted, as illustrated by this comment from Sen. Christopher Dodd (D-CT):
I can count on less than five fingers the number of people I've opposed where they have sought positions in a presidential cabinet. My opposition and my concern about Mr. Bolton therefore has nothing to do with Cuba, arms control, or the United Nations. In fact, I agree with some of Mr. Bolton's conclusions about the United Nations. I have no problem with that at all.
In Dodd's 24 year career, he doesn't even top off the digits on one hand with people he has opposed. The second thought of this is equally interesting: Dodd didn't disagree with the UN comments from Bolton: Bolton's testimony to the committee was sugarcoated- his "conclusions" sounded more like gentle nudges of the UN back toward appreciating the long ignored US than like the crass immediate dismissals of UN relevence and US unilateralism at all costs.

What Dodd is missing in these comments is that the inanites keep piling up and that new accusations [Thanks, kos! Your crew rocks, exposure after exposure and one relevent unearthing after the other. For those looking for hard-nosed journalism, look no further than the DailyKos.] against Bolton are one and the same as his "conclusions" on the UN. If Dodd thinks Bolton's over-amped testosterone is limited to women he has worked with over the years, he's sadly mistaken [and moronic. As though this behaviour is EVER reasonable]- once a misogynistic passive-aggressive unilateralist obstructionist , always one.

I shouldn't say such things on a lowly blog. Forgive me; I'm just a lowly concerned citizen whose perjorative dial and disparagement switches have become broken. Apologia.


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