
Blue Country

Kos has a beautiful, if somewhat "babyblue" version of the US- a new representation of the country based on the plummeting approval ratings of The Administration and Congress.

Check it out, and feel good about it, particularly when thinking about that horribly bold RedCountry map from just under a year ago.

A couple quick thoughts:
  • The Good: The pink holdouts - This is the best news thus far. The pink holdout states, those that still "support" the policies of this country. The strongest holdouts are Utah and Idaho, plus a handful more. These states represent the best news and the strongest evidence of the erosion of support of power. None of these states polls above 60% according to the chart [I know, it seems like it's unreasonably high...] but most of these states float around the 50% mark. Not that they're going to tip and turn to a majority disapproving. But the fact is that even in the strongest Conservative holdouts, The Administration and the Republican leadership are having immense troubles maintaining reasonable support.
  • The Bad: The Blue Chill - The thing any reasonable Opposition needs to recognize is that the turn toward blue represented on this map does not include them as a favorable opposition. In fact, this map simply shows how awful our country is doing- there's little approval here. Therefore the Blue shows not the shifting tides of support, but the general icing of the optimism and approval of the country.


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