

The AntiCentenarian covers Beato at Wonkette covering Blumenthal covering the College Republican convention and the Yellophant Revolution... or lack there of. Of course, the Army met their quota this month, with distinction, but not from the College Republicans:

Reporting from the frontlines of the College Republican National Convention, Max Blumenthal profiles young conservative patriots who are making the ultimate sacrifice for their country during wartime, forsaking a chance at adventure and glory in Iraq to do the tough work on the ground here at home:

By the time I encountered Cory Bray, a towering senior from the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School of Business, the beer was flowing freely. "The people opposed to the war aren't putting their asses on the line," Bray boomed from beside the bar. Then why isn't he putting his ass on the line? "I'm not putting my ass on the line because I had the opportunity to go to the number-one business school in the country," he declared, his voice rising in defensive anger, "and I wasn't going to pass that up."
And besides, being a College Republican is so much more fun than counterinsurgency warfare. Bray recounted the pride he and his buddies had felt walking through the center of campus last fall waving a giant American flag, wearing cowboy boots and hats with the letters B-U-S-H painted on their bare chests. "We're the big guys," he said. "We're the ones who stand up for what we believe in. The College Democrats just sit around talking about how much they hate Bush. We actually do shit."

Such as? Such as selling "Bush Country" tshirts in bulk. And putting his ass on the line against Saddam, Osama, and John Kerry via this crappy web game he developed.
Shit been done, amigo. Shit been done. The question, as always, is... what are you going to do about it? Because I'm sure that all the procees of Bush Country Tshirts go directly to charitable organizations and military support organizations; things like Spirit of America, at the very least. Right?


... right...?


Blogger General Stan said...

CLickable here!

I kind of like the name "The AntiCentenarian Quarterly" or, alternatively, "The AntiCentenarian Quotidien Journal of Recipes and Erotica for Distinguished Citizens." I suppose that at least one of these would require more than a simple nomenclature shift...

Blogger General Stan said...

heh heh heh heh heh.... : )


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