
10 Most Harmful Books

An obvious attempt for conservative weekly magazine Human Events Online to raise awareness of their trifling existence via the avenue of controversial books.

And yet, they are relatively surprising. For instance, Darwin's Descent of Man and Freud's Introduction to Psychoanalysis made only the list of honorable mentions [other Honorables: Ralph Nader, Margaret Mead, George Sorel, Simone de Beauvoir, Lenin, Foucault, John Stuart Mill].

And now, for the shocking, yet very revealing top-10 list of the absolute most damaging books to American culture, with direct Amazon links so that you can purchase them immediately, and links to the online editions so that you don't even have to purchase them to enjoy their dangerous glory [Titles link to Amazon; Authors link to online editions].

The 10 Most Harmful Books, chosen by a panel of crazies over at Human Events Online

1. The Communist Manifesto
Karl Marx and Freidrich Engels, 1848

2. Mein Kampf
Adolf Hitler, 1925-26

3. Quotations from Chairman Mao
Mao Zedong, 1966

4. The Kinsey Report
Alfred Kinsey, 1948

5. Democracy and Education
John Dewey, 1916

6. Das Kapital
Karl Marx, 1867-1894

7. The Feminine Mystique
Betty Friedan, 1963

8. The Course of Positive Philosophy
Auguste Comte, 1830-1842

9. Beyond Good and Evil
Freidrich Nietzsche, 1886

10. General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money
John Maynard Keynes, 1936

Obviously Marx and the significant Communist texts stand as dangerous counter-arguments to the clear-cut capitalism of contemporary Conservativism, and Mein Kampf is a toss-off dangerous book. Any list of the same topic would be foolish not to include it, so it is a default front-runner.

But are Kinsey's reports on human sexuality, Freidan's deconstruction of the myth of the modern complacent female, and Comte and Nietzsche actually "dangerous?"

Absolutely. They are texts that demand certain expansions: expansions of sexual expression as natural expression; expansion of gender roles as being improper, oppressive constructs; and various philosophical expansions beyond a core and simple acceptance.

These are the true dangers to Conservativism. Another way to consider this is to understand that Conservativism is threatened by systems of politics, gender roles, sexuality, and thought which strive beyond their prescribed, traditional roles.


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