
Forever's Just a Matter of Time...

... no, really... I was a jerk "forever" ago, and it's, like, totally okay now. And look, My moustache is still flappin' in the wind...

Yes, kindly readers, John Bolton, that lovable lug of a potential anti-Internationalist UN Ambassador just keeps racking up the uncool points. At this point, Bolton's arrogance is expected- his career and reputation are both on the line.
"He would do himself, and I think the country, a favor by withdrawing," Sen. Christopher Dodd of Connecticut, a Democratic member of the Foreign Relations Committee, told reporters.
"He's been a real tyrant when it came to people he worked with, who disagreed with him. This man doesn't have the temperament for this job," the second-ranking Democrat in the Senate, Dick Durbin of Illinois, said on "Fox News Sunday."

White House spokeswoman Dana Perino said Sunday Bolton was "the right person at the right time to do this important job. People are demanding reform at the United Nations, and John Bolton is the right person to help bring about much-needed changes. He is smart, passionate, blunt and occassionally gruff -- those are qualities required for an agent of change to get things done."
Of course the Administration has come out in strong support of their man Bolton, even sending out the secret-dominator Dick Cheney on a mission of raising public support (or perhaps Cheney saw how deep his top-choice pick was digging his own hole and felt obligated to try to pull him out). This Administration simply can't tolerate two high-profile scandal-ridden appointments, and after Bernie Kerik's manly baldness was exposed as tempermental, manipulative, and egotistical, his bid for Security Czar was cut short (it should be noted that Kerik, like Bolton, has an outstanding moustache).

If the Democrats can't fillibuster, they'd best keep fighting to bring to light the problems with these vulnerable extremist appointees. This debate must be fueled until one of two events: Either Bolton rescinds his nomination, saying "In consideration of the welfare of me and my family, I have decided to return to private life," or the vote to confirm him is re-called but with insurmountable still-burning coals in Bolton's lap.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

GS: What's with the villain 'stashes? You know, I'm thinking your WWE Superstar idea is getting a little less funny and a little more real every day. Add to it that comment from Bush's SOTU address (helpfully rewritten by Fox as "objective journalism" IN THE SAME ARTICLE that quotes the original, I noticed) and you've got a prime-time ratings bonanza:
“The United States of America will not permit the world's most dangerous regimes to threaten us with the world's most destructive weapons."

The next logical step, of course:

American Smackdown: World's Most Dangerous Regimes! FOX Monday 8/7!

I'm setting my TiVo now.

Blogger General Stan said...

I have to admit- I have a certain fear of men with prominent moustaches. Just an observation, really... but you can't argue the facts: they both have 'staches. The other reason for the 'stache obsession is that for some reason alot of hits are coming from technorati searching for "Bolton" or "Moustache" or the pair, and so I figure I'll just up my hit status there. It's all about marketing, really.

More later...


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